After more than two years of pandemics, again a joint meeting of Miroir Noir in the Bratislava studio. Although we originally planned a different topic, the circumstances led us to a topic that we started many years ago. And so we added a new series to our collection of DICTATORS.

Po viac ako dvoch rokoch pandémie, opä? spolo?né stretnutie Miroir Noir v bratislavskom atelieri. Aj ke? pôvodne sme mali v pláne inú tému, okolnosti nás nasmerovali k námetu, ktorý sme odštartovali pred mnohými rokmi. A tak našu kolekciu DIKTÁTOROV sme doplnili o tento nový exemplár.

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Napíš mu to! (write to him) Blue Phantom, after the happening with attendants free interventions. Stop that war.

Napíš mu to! (write to him) Blue Phantom, after the happening with attendants free interventions. Stop that war.