André Breton



Miroir Noir 2007-2012 book

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Miroir NoirPropter Nuptias book

Miroir Noir Propter Nuptias cover

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Miroir Noir Paralelné Svety  exhibition castalogue

Parallel Universes-catalogue

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Miroir Noir MRB exhibition castalogue

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'Miroir Noir emerges as an apparently childish artist, a pre-scientific entity whose morality has not yet been aroused, cold in its approach to what is represented but as an adult and merciless executor.'

Katy Vives Phipps


'Miroir Noirpasses Baroque through a punk sieve, aesthetically, and above all in regard to the creating  procedure.'

Mery Cuesta








Saatchi Online USA



Nov 2024 / Working meeting Bratislava

We've continued with the water subject, achieving bigger paintings and defining the mood we need for this collection. Much enthusism on how will this develope in further essays. These are working pictures, but one gets the idea... ehem.

Double sun

Three figures

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Jun 2024 / Working meeting Brafim 3

We've started exploring the water subject. Seas and lakes and whatnot.

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Jun 2024 / Working meeting Brafim 2

Image titleIn addition to the soaked book, we also found some wet photocopies that had become blurred. We decided to intervene by painting over them. Here are the results.

The images show haunting landscapes where figures and objects emerge through layers of paint and water damage to create eerie, goyesque scenes with our sense of mystery and desolation within the abstract backgrounds.????

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Jun 2024 / Working meeting Brafim 1

Dame du lac

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We've been working together for several days in our Catalonian studio in Tarragona. While gathering reference material, we came across an old, once-soaked Miroir Noir catalog. As we went through it, we discovered some unintended and striking reinterpretations of our MRB collection images. After cleaning and slightly editing a few of them, we put together this selection. Chance has worked brilliantly. ????

Kabína pri jazere

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Po dazdi

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Mar 2024 / Prints edition for the Panorama show

Our friends at AIGUA are printing a bunch of digital impressions of our most iconic works to be shown and sold in our 'Panorama' exhibition there. Here's the link to their shop. Top quality and different measures to choose.
Nercedes BenzCrisantemsImage title

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Here's the link to their shop.

The Shining


Muslim dog

Plazma dog



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Feb 2024 / Panoram exhibition @ AIGUA Tarragona

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We are happy to announce our next exhibition. We will present some paintings never exhibited in Catalonia from the series of Mediterranean landscapes and unique trees "Panorama", as part of the collective exhibition "Microspores 2", in the gallery of our friends of the AIGUA Association in Bràfim, Tarragona .

We will also have a collection of prints of some of our most iconic works. Next post explained.

And a small video about the opening:

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Nov 2023 / Working meeting Bratislava

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Entering a new exciting cycle of paintings at Miroir Noir lab in Bratislava.

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Apr 2022 / Working Meeting 22-2

We are so impressed and concerned about Ukraine war that we also draw about this humanitary drama. Each to his own style. The synthethic Koptak against de detailed Escalé.

Vojna na Ukrajine nás tak zaujala a znepokojuje, že kreslíme aj o tejto humanitárnej dráme. Každý podľa svojho štýlu. Syntetický Kopták proti detailnému Escalému.

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We also will post a detailed galllery.

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Apr 2022 / Working Meeting 22-1

Tradícia je tradícia

After more than two years of pandemics, again a joint meeting of Miroir Noir in the Bratislava studio. Although we originally planned a different topic, the circumstances led us to a topic that we started many years ago. And so we added a new series to our collection of DICTATORS.

Po viac ako dvoch rokoch pandémie, opäť spoločné stretnutie Miroir Noir v bratislavskom atelieri. Aj keď pôvodne sme mali v pláne inú tému, okolnosti nás nasmerovali k námetu, ktorý sme odštartovali pred mnohými rokmi. A tak našu kolekciu DIKTÁTOROV sme doplnili o tento nový exemplár.

Putain de Sang

Soon we'll add a New Gallery

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Mar 2022 / Cecilizmus @ CinCin, Bratislava, SVK

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Galery window

Opening evening


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Jan 2020 / MRB exhibition @ Martin, SVK

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Vernisáž  / Opening 30. 1. 2020 o 17.00 h

Výstava potrvá do / Exhibition running Until 25. 3. 2020

Kurátorka / Curator Ivana Moncoľová

Here some images of the installation and opening. There were lots of Bazovsky original drawings showing next to MN versions, coming from all the slovak galleries. It made a very cool installation and exhibition. Turcianske luxury. Thank you!

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Nov 2019 / Working meeting

We joined again in Bratislava couple of weeks before Christmas. 

We hadn't met since last May in Rai's Tarragona studio, (although it is not registered here in News as the work pics we took weren't so convincing, and we're getting too old to post ourselves monkeying). 

This second time we kinda started doubtful but turned out to be a mega productive working meeting. Once we decided that we were going to try to amuse while painting, and to let it run more free than lately, like back in the old days. It worked pretty well and we worked in many different series. Some amazing pieces, light but soulful, still needing some finishing and proper documentation.

Only some telephone shit photos, but let's see examples of that new easiness flowing in the studio is starting to show...

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Sep 2019 / Group Show @ Nitrianska galéria, SVK

We had a room in that fantastic exhibition, in Nitra Galery, from September 13th to November 24th 2019.

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The international exhibition of contemporary visual art titled Pobody Slovody / Faces of FreedomImage title is organised by the Nitra Gallery in cooperation with the Divadelná Nitra Association on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Iron Curtain (in former Czechoslovakia known as the Velvet Revolution), whose primary contribution to our society is freedom.

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Apr 2019 / Group Show @ Wrocław - Poland

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We're sending a cuople of big paintings to this huge show.
The best central european painters

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Mar 2019 / Bratislava Olympic meeting

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After more than six months of being apart, Miroir Noir reunited during a few days in March in the Bratislava studio.

It was weird after so long no meeting. And after having closed the MRB project and the exhibition (that will be showing again next February in Martin (SK) City Gallery.

As a random playing theme, and after Milos's visits to Orsay we chose Manet's Olympia to play a little as a warming exercise. It took us the whole week this warming state. We still got the raw mobile pictures we took in the studio, but meh, just to get the idea thay work enough..

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Jan-Feb 2019 / Still vacation!!

We're still running errnds, but here we can show that Rai has finished the studio, what a studio, and Milos has kept himself documenting and sending inspiration images from all the museums in the world...

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Sep-Dec 2018 / Closed for vacation!

After closing the MRB exhibition AND all those non-stop yippy-yippy years we've decided we'll take a break . Untill next year. Rest our rusted bones and attend some matters outside the studio.

Rai is going to reconstruct the house he bought in the country. And make a sunny big and beautiful studio there.

Milos is going to spend some time in Paris and St  Petersburg, exploring museums and antique shops.

Life after the 50's.

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Aug 2018 / MRB Catalogue

We finally managed to get the exhibition catalogue done, and it is a beautiful 64 page book with all the paintings in the exhibition, following the hanging order and including a few of the Bazovsky's guide drawings, in spectacular folded pages inside, that we used to recreate his slovak lands universe.





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Jul 2018 / MRB Installation pics








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June 2018 / GMAB-MRB


We're close to a very unusual Miroir Noir expo at the M.A. Bazovsky Museum (Trencin, SVK).

We've spent nearly the whole past year painting secretly some thirty reinterpretations of the not so well known landscapes drawings from the Slovak master. A trip that has been worth it. We are very proud and excited with the results.


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May 2018 / The Naked Artbook

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Apr 2018 / Apócrifa Art Magazine Interview

We've been reviewed and interviewed in the coolest mexican art magazine.

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Mar 2018 / Group Show @ Heliumcowboy Hamburg

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'Hello my dear' a portrait exhibition for the official Re-Opening of the heliumcowboy artspace.

Opening March 24, 2018.

List of artists: Adrian Landon Brooks * Alex Diamond * Alekseij Mirnij * Ben Tolman * Boris Hoppek * Casey McKee * David Shillinglaw * Henning Kles * Jade Townsend * Jaybo Monk * Jeff Soto * Jon Todd * Mercedes Helnwein * Mikael Takács * Miroir Noir * Rune Christensen * Victor Castillo * Will Barras.

Über cool.

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Feb 2018 / Group Show @ Zoya Museum

Among the best slovak artists in a mega group show at the luxurious ZOYA Gallery&Museum, in Modra (SVK), homeland of the finest slovak wines.

We present those chrisantems and a couple of nevesty portraits. It will be a massive exhibition, shared with many good friends and full of new friends to make too.

Zoya Museum is no joke :) Unique space and great shows and collection.

We believe is one of the more interesting modern museums in central Europe. So we are very happy.

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Jan 2018 / Happy New Year

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Another sneak preview of what's coming, still a mistery to us too!!

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Dec 2017 / Show @ Razzmatazz

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Nov 2017 / Working Meeting

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We were visiting a slovak museum, and were given an exhibition there for next June. More details on the project and the matter will not come until very close to the exhibition. We can sneak a preview of what's it going to be. Yes, some landscapes are getting ready.

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Oct 2017 / Group Show @ Sevilla

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Aug 2017 / Working meeting

After the relaxing period we enjoyed while working on our landscape series, we continued on our series of nudes. Another plunge into the shapes of the human body. Pleasure and pain for the painter. This series was painted on thick luxury etching paper – an unfamiliar material for us. Paper is so expressive and yields so many more sensations than canvas. At least for us, canvas is the never-ending battle of layer upon layer and (often violent) trial and error. When painting on paper, one must be much more focused at the first stages of expressivity, and be more sure of one’s brushstrokes. Quite a zen exercise after the mayhems our working together have been so far!

Please visit the new gallery 'Amore carentes' to see the whole set.

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Jun 2017 / Groupshow @ Heliumcowboy Hamburg

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May 2017 / Nocturno opening

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We were very generously hosted by all the team and city of Pelhrimov, and had a great opening.

As we did in the previous trip, we also spent a week in the studio to continue with the exploration of new ways to paint human body. We thought about calling this series 'Peep Show', which is probably too obvious, but that was the aim. Of course we enjoyed ourselves quite a lot. Although there is some post productionj to be done with the images (and proper pictures), here are a couple of sneaks.


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Apr 2017 / 'Nocturno' exhibition @ Dub Gallery

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'Avant le soir', acrylic on canvas, 80x130 cm, 2017.

To be shown at the forthcoming Miroir Noir exhibition @ Dub Gallery in Pelhrimov, Czech Republic. Opening May 5th. Please check the gallery 'Nocturno' to view all the pieces.

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Mar 2017 / News resume

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We met in Bratislava last February for a few days of frantic work. We've solved the last steps of a few landscapes and 'tree portraits' that we'd brought slightly unfinished from our meetings in Catalonia last summer and autumn. We framed and varnished them after deciding the exact measures for the different series. It ended with a bunch of beautiful massive and dark olive trees, and finally an overall general gothic approach to the mediterranean stereotypes of light and sun, again severed by our Black Mirror.

This series will be shown in a forthcoming show at Dub Gallery, in Pelhrimov. Opening next May 5th.

(we've been very lucky with the soundsystem upgrading, to a totally unexpected hi-fi top tech set)

We also had time for a series of fresh nudes on luxury etching paper, a material we usually don't work with. The great illustrator Mme čitecova gave us a full 100's pack of them as she decided she wouldn't be using them.

Nude series

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Dec 2016 / Happy happy 2017

Happy 2017

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Oct 2016 / Landscapes Gallery

A few of the finished pieces we were painting @ Bellavista last month. Find them in the 'Amissum Lumen' (The loss of light) Gallery. Some dark trees and landscapes we did :)

Ils sont venus deux acrylic on canvas, 130x80 cm, 2016

Ils sont venus deux acrylic on canvas, 130x80 cm, 2016

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Demi-jour acrylic on canvas, 130x80 cm, 2016

il tombe de la rosée acrylic on canvas, 100x100 cm, 2016

Evening Holm Oak Path acrylic on canvas, 80x80 cm, 2016

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Sep 2016 / Working Meeting @ Bellavista

We had great fun and great weather for the whole two weeks of september that we spent at Ranbcho Bellavista. And a dog watching over us, and even taking the brush when needed.
We managed to finish a few landscapes, again dark landscapes about the early or late lights throgh the trees. We also worked on a few olive trees, were practially portraits more than landscapes. Those old ones around Bellavista, with their 500 years old or more, are really breathtaking. We tried to chase their grandeur and balanced weight. Next month we'll post the edited gallery and some previews here in the News section.

@Bellavista Rancho, september 2016.

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Aug 2016 / La Vanguardia 16.06.2016

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Jul 2016 / White&Weiss or Buy MN online

June 2016 / Konvent Residency

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May 2016 / Hell Gallery exhibition

MN @ Hell

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May 2016 / White & Weiss auction

We're happy to show this beautiful painting we're auctioning @ White & Weiss Contemporary Art // Predajná výstava | Sale exhibition next May 23th at Erdödyho Palác, Bratislava.

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May 2016 / Konvent Show photo report

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The exhibition and setting were really beautiful, as it always is in Konvent. We were exhibiting in the exact same space that we did our installations five years ago. In the nun's cells. Very powerful spaces that let you create a strange and trippy state of mind.

The amazing photo-report with all it's fantasy and sense of humour is done by the always more-creative-than-expected official Konvent reporter: Mr Abel Castells. Again thumbs up and big thanks to him.

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Apr 2016 / Konvent Exhibition


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Mar 2016 / 2 Exhibitions

Milos Koptak Afrikan tales expo

Milos had his show @ Institut Français de Bratislava, showing his collection of illustrations for this fantastic french book on African Tales. There were some african masks from the Ivan Melichercik collection.

Group Show @ Praha

We also had a couple of big pieces at the Ľuboš Lehocký's curated New Slovak Surrealism Group Show at Galerie kritiků in Prague (CZR).

Miroir Noir 'Papa a mama'

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Feb 2016 / Bratislava working meeting

New MN Studio

Again meeting at our new studio @ Stefanikova in Bratislava. We've continued with our Dead Flowers series, that is evolving from a tiny idea to complet the previous Marriage and Communion Series, to a solo universe that is taking us much further than expected... Soon we'll have pro pics of them.

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Jan 2016 / Hell Gallery

Hell Gallery logo

We're in the new exciting gallery project in Barcelona: Hell Gallery

We'll be opening the space with our new exhibiting project 'Cecilismus' next May 20th.

For now you can buy prints of some of our works at their online shop

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Dec 2015 / Again highlighted @ Saatchi

Back again @ Saatchi Art weekly selection, with the monster version of our successful 'Plazma Dog'

Plazma Dog  Saatchi

After that big thumb up, as it happens, the dog was sold within two days. But alas, not @ Saatchi!  Please visit our page there!!

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Nov 2015 / New Bratislava Working Meeting

And again, to end up a year full of work, travels and exhibitions, we gathered again to continue our explorations on the world of cementery paraphernalia. Old men never get tired.

Cementery Candles

Click on image to go to gallery

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Oct 2015 / Bratislava working meeting pics

We gathered again in late September in our new studio and continued developing the floral theme.

It happened naturally that we unconsciously ended turning bridal flowers and bridal bouquets into Cementery Flowers and all that's putt aside next, to be left next to our dead kin.

It's our nature...

HRBITOVNE KVITI / mrtve kvety FB Gallery

Click on image to go to gallery

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Sep 2015 / MN @ Berliner Liste 2015

MN @ Berliner Liste 2015 Fair for Contemporary Art with Dub Gallery. Find us there from Sep 17-20.

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Aug 2015 / GMB Exhibition Catalog Presentation

MN Finissage and Exhibition Catalogue presentation GMB flyer

M I R O I R  N O I R / P A R A L E L N É  S V E T Y
Derniéra výstavy a krst katalógu // Exhibition finissage and catalogue presentation.
26. august 2015 o 18.00 hodine / August 26th, from 18.00

v Galérii mesta Bratislavy, Pálffyho palác, Panská 19, Bratislava, Slovak Republic.

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July 2015 / Documentary Uncovering Miroir Noir: The Real Truth


We can't hide anymore this document uncovering the real truth about Miroir Noir painting group and their working methods. Shot under the influence in MN old studio in Bratislava, some three winters ago, the time has come to show people what really has been happening. (SVK-ENG emb.subs.)
By Zora Stassova Creative Studio and Nicolas Arnaud!
— with Rai Escalé and Milos Kopták at UFO Bridge - Bratislava.

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June 2015 / Galeria Mesto Bratislavy 'Parallel Universes' solo show

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We are very proud to announce our forthcoming exhibition at Palffyho Palace, the most beautiful of the Bratislava Town Gallery (GMB) buildings. It was four years since we had our last show in Bratislava, but it has been worth waiting. Opening will be next June 9th.

We will be showing a selection of works from the four first galleries in the Gallery section here, that are:

     COMUNION                CANIS L.                   PROPTER N.             

COMUNION           CANIS LUNAE            PROPTER NUPTIAS         

We came to the gallery with more than 30 paintings, but the power of the collection told us that the installation had to be very simple and spacious, as every one of the pieces to be shown was powerful and self explanatory, andcould even use much more blank wall in-between than what we finally could give them. So we ended turning down all redundant or superfluous pieces, until getting an essential presentation. Very pleasant and smooth to walk through, and a smart syntethisation of our work and evolution for the past nearly three years.

We must thank our collectors for their patience and collaboration, as half of the pieces here (and in Mikulov exhibition) are coming from private collections. We thought it was important to show the highlights of our rare production, so we once again bothered them with our requests and annoyances. All of them understand that we're on a mission, and they are on it with us.

Please visit our FB page for the full photo-documentary on installation and opening and after-party.

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May 2015 / MN book cover

We yielded an image for the cover for a beautiful spanish poetry book, 'El sol horizontal' by Irene Jové!!

MN spanish poetry book cover

Day-break , acrylic on canvas, 100x80cm, 2010. Private Collection

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Apr 2015 / Bellavista working meeting

Miroir Noir last working meeting a Bellavista, Tarragona, Spain. It has been said it happened in El Rancho Bellavista, Tamaulipas, Mexico...

MN @ Mexico                        

                  See artist's residence next to Capilla de La Santa Cruz and unbelievable working open air spaces.

We joked on FB about Tarragona being so similar to Mexico, we stated that we'd been on a residence there, sponsored by Tequila El Jimador. So many of our friends asked about our mexican trip. The power of internet misinformation. Click images to see full April's fool day album @ FB.

We were painting some small-sized open-air landscapes for the first time together. They have been already sent to our main studio in Bratislava to be finished and varnished, but here's a peak for our friends that take time to be here.

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They look more like Massachussets than Tarragona, but, hey ho, we're Miroir NOIR.

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Mar 2015 / Exhibition @ Regionální Muzeum v Mikulově

Miroir Noir / Počátek

Opening Friday, March 27 at 7:00pm

Zámek Mikulov in Mikulov cz


MN Mikulov expo Opening

Plese click on image to go to full gallery @ FB

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Feb 2015 / Bratislava working meeting

During January we had our first working meeting of the year in a snowy Bratislava.

We managed to finish this big canvas that we had started with the other 'Communion' series paintings, in early 2014. We doubted on how to mix the lightness of aura and sweaters with the harsh and violent flesh-paint representation. It went well. We were also painting some bouquets. Yes.

As usual here's a non-offical picture, before the photographer makes his job. Right one now!

Druzicky-Forestier. Acrylic on canvas, 190x130, 2015

We were experimenting on some 'complementary' paintings for the forthcming exhibition @ GMBratislava, and we tried some 'wedding flower bouquets'. When reediting this post in May, here there are recent pictures of them.

Miroir Noir_Nadhera ( Beauty ) 120x100 cm, akryl na plátne, 2015

Nadhera ( Beauty ) 120x100 cm, akrylic on canvas, 2015

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Jan 2015 / Quitting old studio

Milos goodbye

Last elevator to the gallows, last truck with some of the big paintings, going to the new studio.

We've finally left our studio at the SVK Artist's Syndicate Building. We've been the last artists to be kicked out.Milos was there for nearly 15 years, so he was quite emotional. Click on the pictures to watch a larger selection of pictures at our FB.

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Dec 2014 / Best of the year @ Saatchi Art