2022 Čin Čin Galéria / Cecilizmus / (Bratislava, SVK)
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2021 La Pièce Blanche / L'Apres-Retard / (Paris, FR)
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2020 Turčianska Galéria / MRB II / (Nitra, SVK)
Vernisáž / Opening 30. 1. 2020 o 17.00 h
Výstava potrvá do / Exhibition running Until 25. 3. 2020
Kurátorka / Curator Ivana Moncoľová
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2019 Nitrianska galéria / Podoby slobody (Faces of Freedom) group show / (Nitra, SVK)
We had a room in that fantastic exhibition, in Nitra Galery, from September 13th to November 24th 2019.
The international exhibition of contemporary visual art titled Pobody Slovody / Faces of Freedom is organised by the Nitra Gallery in cooperation with the Divadelná Nitra Association on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Iron Curtain (in former Czechoslovakia known as the Velvet Revolution), whose primary contribution to our society is freedom.
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2019 Museum of Architecture / Statek Robinsona(Robinson's boat) group show / (Wrocław, PL)
We're sending a cuople of big paintings to this huge show.
The best Central and Eastern Europe painters and a smugled catalan together @ Wroclaw Architecture Museum.
The show features about 190 artworks, which makes it one of the largest exhibitions of figurative art in Central and Eastern Europe. It showcases 55 young and promising artists from Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary. The pieces on show include painting, graphics, photography as well as sculpture and glass objects.
The Robinson’s Ship exhibition lasts until August the 28th of 2019.
Curator: Mirosław Jasiński
Co-curators: Krisztina Jerger (Hungary), Ivana Moncolova (Slovakia) and Martin Mainer (Czech Republic).
Exhibition organiser: The City Gallery in Wrocław
Co-organiser: Museum of Architecture in Wrocław
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2018 Galéria Milos A. Bazovsky / MRB / (Trencin, SVK)
We're opening a very unusual expo at the M.A. Bazovsky Museum (Trencin, SVK). We've spent nearly the whole past year painting secretly some thirty reinterpretations of the not so well known landscape drawings from the Slovak master. A trip that has been worth it. Soon we will show the entire collection. We are very proud and excited with the results.
Miroir Noir MRB
od 28.06.2018, 17:00 do 12.08.2018, 17:00
Pre výstavu s názvom MRB sa rozhodli reagovať na dielo slovenského modernistu Miloša Alexandra Bazovského (1899 – 1968). MRB je skratka mien Miloš / Rai / Bazovský a odkazuje na signatúry/podpisy M.A.B., ktoré M. A. Bazovský používal na svojich obrazoch. Súčasní maliari Miroir Noir tak deklarujú vzťah k modernistickej histórii územia Slovenska a voľnej inšpirácii Bazovského kresbami, ktoré sú súčasťou zbierok Galérie Miloša Alexandra Bazovského, Slovenskej národnej galérie. Pripomínajú si tak& nbsp; 50 výročie od úmrtia Miloša Alexandra Bazovského.
Installation views:
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2018 Heliumcowboy Artspace / Hello my dear Group Show / (Hamburg, GER)
'Hello my dear' a portrait exhibition for the official Re-Opening of the heliumcowboy artspace.
Opening March 24, 2018.
List of artists: Adrian Landon Brooks * Alex Diamond * Alekseij Mirnij * Ben Tolman * Boris Hoppek * Casey McKee * David Shillinglaw * Henning Kles * Jade Townsend * Jaybo Monk * Jeff Soto * Jon Todd * Mercedes Helnwein * Mikael Takács * Miroir Noir * Rune Christensen * Victor Castillo * Will Barras.
Über cool.
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2018 Zoya Museum / More than 30 Group Show / (Modra, SVK)
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2017 Dub Gallery / Nocturno / (Perlhimov CZR)
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2016 Hell Gallery / Cecilismus2 / (Barcelon, CAT)
Miroir Noir were the first artists to be exhibited in Hell Gallery.
So we had to have two openings on a row... Actually, the official Gallery opening, which was totally frantic and overcrowded (see pics, a lot of them in the News article entry too), and there was a second 're-opening' for our friends, to which both of us could attend.
Milos skipped the first opening for reasons that sounded like excuses to me :)))) (says Rai)
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2016 Konvent.0 / Cecilismus / (Berga, CAT)
The exhibition and setting were really beautiful, as always at Konvent. We were exhibiting in the exact same space we did with our installations five years ago - in the nun's cells. These are very powerful spaces that allow you to create a strange and trippy state of mind.
The amazing photo-report with all it's fantasy and sense of humour is the work of the always more-creative-than-expected official Konvent reporter: Mr Abel Castells. Again thumbs up and many thanks to him.
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2016 Pamäť - Prelud - Predstava / Galerie Kritiku / (Prague, CZR)
Miroir Noir was in the Ľuboš Lehocký's curated New Slovak Surrealism Group Show at Galerie kritiků in Prague (CZR). We presented a couple of big paintings from the Communion Series.
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2015 Berliner Liste Art Fair / w. Dub Gallery / (Berlin, GER)
MN @ Berliner Liste 2015 Fair for Contemporary Art with Dub Gallery. Find us there from Sep 17-20.
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2015 Galéria Measta Bratislavy / Parallel Universes / (Bratislava, SK)
We are very happy with the exhibition held at the Palffyho Palace, the most beautiful of the Bratislava Town Gallery (GMB) buildings. It has been nearly four years since we had our last solo show in Bratislava, but it has been worth waiting. Opening was on June 9th. Exhibition lasted until August 30th. The show consists of a selection of the twenty (20) most representative works from the three first series in the Gallery section here on the site, which are:
We came to the gallery with more than 30 paintings, but the power of the selection suggested that the installation had to be very simple and spacious, as each one of the pieces to be shown was powerful and self explanatory, and could even do with more blank wall space between them than what we could finally give them. So we discarded all redundant or superfluous pieces, ending up with an essential selection on show. Very pleasant and smooth to walk through, and a smart syntethisation of our work and evolution for the past nearly three years.
We must thank our collectors for their patience and collaboration, as half of the pieces here (and in the Mikulov exhibition) come from private collections. We thought it was important to show the highlights of our rare production, so once again we bothered them with our requests. All of them understand that we're on a mission, and they are on it with us.
Please visit our FB page for the full photo-documentary on installation and opening and after-party.
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2015 Kölner Liste Art Fair / w. Dub Gallery / (Köln, GER)
Will be in Köln with some paintings @ Dub Gallery boot.
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2015 Reg. Muzeum Mikulov / Počátek (Origins) / (Mikulov, CZ)
Be aware of the still ongoing Miroir Noir exhibition @ Mikulov Castle... We've added some new pictures to our FB, from installation in so beautiful surroundings... As the trip to Mikulov is. It's definitely worth it. This exhibit is kind of retrospective, showing works from 2007 to 2011, and it shows the gap (say evolution) of the group's work in the last eight years, comparing with the also ongoing exhibition at GMBratislavy.
Photography: @Zuzana Knězeková (big thanks for all the fish!!)
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2014 Eat Meat Gallery / Propter Nuptias Solo Show / (Barcelona, ESP)
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2013 Nitrianska Galéria / 2 X 4 = ∞ group show / (Nitra,SK)
We were invited to participate in
2 X 4 = ∞
curated Group Show @ Nitrianska Galéria, in Nitra, SK. It's about artists working together on duos or collectives. Please follow the link for more detailed info.
Curator was Miroslava Mauréry.
Other artist participating were: Strana Železných: Ján Vasilko & Peter Králik (SK) // ALLT: Elena Bolčeková & Peter Simoník (SK) // M1+1: Jack Hauser, Michael Mastrototaro (AT) // Sabina Holzer, Sabine Maier.
Exhibition will be held between December 19th 2013 and February 2nd 2014.
We could not attend opening nor installation, and we were surprised by the bunker space (it was literally a Bunker under Nitrianska Gallery), and by the innovative floating - hanging system and its illumination.
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2013 Blokker Gallery / Propter Nuptias Solo Show / (Madrid, ESP)
Opening took a lot. and more than one day. Some rock glories came to celebrate, Jamie Cullum and Frank Black from Pixies, among other Madrid celebrities...
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2013 Rochuskapelle / Propter Nuptias Solo Show / (Landshut, GER)
September 6thwas the opening of our first 'Propter Nuptias' exhibition, in Landshut (GER). The place was awsome, Reinhardt and Katja, who organized and hosted were exquisite, and it was first time we saw those brides hanging together. A very special show it was.
Further exhibitions of this collection are set in Madrid (November), Barcelona (February) and Bratislava (May).
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2013 Roman Fecik Gal. / Hlavy (zo zbierky I.Melichercíka) / (Bratislava, SK)
On July 1st is the "Hlavy" (Heads) exhibition opening at Roman Fecik Gallery, @ Bratislava. This exhibition features some of the Gems of the Ivan Melicherčík collection, this time selected under the Heads theme. Miroir Noir is of course represented by this African mask that was already shown in the latest Melicherčík book (see Apr 2012 / Zberatel alebo Zmluva s Diablom // Art book, an entry in this section). We are happy for the decision of Mr. Melicherčík to also show our individual heads in his collection, and even print Rai's in the brochure.
We are very proud to be shown among masters like Jan Švankmajer, Naum Gabo or Ladislav Guderna.
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2013 Oravská Galéria / Rôznakí 2 group show / (Dolny Kubin, SK)
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2012 Turčianska galéria / Oltáre súčasnosti – Súčasné oltáre group show / (Martin, SK)
Reflection of Christianity in the Slovak Visual Arts from 2000 to the present day
The exhibition represents an attempt at finding the intersection between two stories: religious Christian myth and Visual Arts.
Duration of the exhibition: 6.12. 2012-17. 02.2013 @ Big and Small Exhibition Hall, Turčianska galéria, Martin, SK.
Participating Artists: Marko Blažo, Andrea Čepiššáková, Anton Čierny, Mária Čorejová, Ivan Csudai, Rai Escale, Eva Filová, Miloš Kopták, Magdaléna Kuchtová, Matúš Lányi, Radko Mačuha, Marcel Mališ, Stano Masár, Svätopluk Mikyta, Veronika Rónaiová, Peter Rónai, Maroš Rovňák, Dorota Sadovská, Anabela Sládek, Ľubo Stacho, Erik Šille, Jozef Šramka, Ján Vasilko; Peter Barényi, Dávid Demjanovič, Mira Gáberová, Oto Hudec, Dagmar Mavrevová, Eva Mikulášová, Jarka Mitríková, Mira Podmanická, Jozef Poník, Matej Rosmány, Martin Rusina, Ivana Sláviková
Kurátor: Lucia Miklošková
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2012 Východoslovenska galéria / Solo show / Dve telá, jedna duša / (Kosice, SK)
Miroir Noir @ VSG, a retrospective exhibition at Slovak Eastern Gallery, in Kosice (SK)
Opening 23.08.2012 // Exhibition from 24.08 to 23.09.2012
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2011 Fru Fru Gallery / Dom Hrôzy group show / (Bratislava, SK)
Miroir Noir @ Fru Fru Galeria, 'Dom Hrôzy' terror group show (Bratislava, SK)
Amazing very dark group show held by Fru Fru during the BLAF Festival in Bratislava at their upper abbandonned floor. Miroir Noir showed some of the 3D works done in Konvent Residency Berga last spring. Opening: 02.10.2011 // Closing 05.10.2012
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2011 Limes Galéria / SymPat Residency group show / (Patince/Komarno, SK)
Miroir Noir @ Limes Galéria / SymPat residency group show (Patince/Komarno, SK)
One of the strangest residencies, places and exhibitions we've been in. Cool though
Limes Galéria...fishes in the desert.
Outside / inside our painting vessel...uaa
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2011 FruFru Gallery / Octomeron group show / (Bratislava, SK)
Miroir Noir @ FruFru Gallery, Octomeron group show (Bratislava, SK)
Cool group show with best artists at FruFru! We sold Salomé, after she's been travelling around Spain and Slovakia so long!
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2011 Festival Konvent.0'11 / Main artist / ( (Berga, ESP)
Miroir Noir @ Konvent.0 Art Festival, as invited main artist (Berga, ESP)
April-June 2011. We were invited to the Konvent.0 Art fest. as main artist; we were offered a beautiful studio to work, and we did some installations with found on site items... mainly religious items, as the place was an abbandoned nun convent in a left textil factory. That meaning it had also been infarmary, school... lots of little souls were stuck there.
We had time for lots of non-religious paintings, as we stood working an extra week after the Festival, .Some cool moments like the video below, where magic flows by themselves...and magically registered.
Miroir Noir @ Konvent.0 Festival (Berga) from Eat Meat on Vimeo.
A small video about how love always flies away. Jordi Plana did the Iphone thing. Please notice the casual Soundtrack!
Some of the installations we presented. Find more of them and some teory texts at Solve et Coagula and Anathema Galleries, in the Galleries section.
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2011 Eat Meat / Solo show / Bateau ivre / (Barcelona, ESP).
Miroir Noir @ Eat Meat, solo show / Bateau ivre / (Barcelona, ESP).
Miroir Noir Show_ Bateau Ivre // The vicious marriage of luxury and decadence.
Miroir Noir is the project of Barcelona based Rai Escalé and the Slav Milos Koptak. His paintings made four hands emerge from a dark pot where Slav and Spanish traditions are removed (Goya and Saura dance with Kafka and Countess Bathory). Miroir Noir pass Baroque through a punk sieve, aesthetically, and more on what plays creation procedure. The resulting works of the unusual collaboration of two who met online and now acting ‘like a shadow for each other’ (…) give a thorough psychological and body painting. Psychological motives that underlie his paintings (photographs of the mentally ill, frightening religious prints), but mostly by implying that work of one in spite of the Other, where one spits out an outline, the other end and some of the two gives the final touch. An experimental proposal in a space that is also emphasizing by programming bizarre poetry and performance (…)
Mery Cuesta
Culturas Supplement of La Vanguardia, Barcelona, 09.03.2012
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2011 FruFru Gallery / Bolo a bude group show / (Bratislava, SK)
Miroir Noir @ FruFru Gallery, Bolo a bude summer group show (Bratislava, SK)
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2010 Eat Meat / Tots Sants group show / (Barcelona, ESP)
Eat Meat / Tots Sants group show (Barcelona, ESP)
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2010 FruFru Gallery / Solo show / Miroir Noir / (Bratislava, SK)
Miroir Noir @ FruFru Gallery, solo show / Miroir Noir / (Bratislava, SK)
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2010 Galerie Univerzum / Multipoint Symposium group show / (Nitra, SK)
Miroir Noir @ Galerie Univerzum / Multipoint Symposium group show (Nitra, SK)
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2010 Galerie Kolomana Sokola / Solo show / Miroir Noir / (Liptovsky Mikulas, SK)
Miroir Noir @ Galerie Kolomana Sokola, solo show (Liptovsky Mikulas, SK)
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2009 Swab Art Fair / With Iguapop Gallery / (Barcelona,ESP)
Miroir Noir @ SWAB Art Fair with Iguapop Gallery (Barcelona,ESP)
After Miroir Noir's success in Rai's show we were brought to SWAB fair by Iguapop. We sold there Velásques, and it's a pity it could only be seen in that exhibition. Wise Barcelona collector's.
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2008 Iguapop Gallery / In Rai Escalé's main show / (Barcelona, ESP)
Miroir Noir @ Iguapop Gallery, in Rai Escalé's main show (Barcelona, ESP)
Miroir Noir's part of the show. In this strange picture you can see Rai with Mercè, Iguapop gallery manager, and a young (and angry?) Riot Über Alles, our book and website designer, who also had a shared part for his shared works with Rai...couples!
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